Mijn eerste reis - Reisverslagen van Willem van der Sanden - WaarBenJij.nu Mijn eerste reis - Reisverslagen van Willem van der Sanden - WaarBenJij.nu

Mijn eerste reis

I'll be travelling around in south east asia for five weeks. My travel plan will be from hong kong to Tanjung Pelepas, Malaysia to Singapore. Afterwards to Malaysia and a tour through the Taman Negara.Then I will have Christmas in Vietnam and New Year in Thailand.

Hope you'll enjoy reading my stories.

Recente Reisverslagen:

12 Februari 2014

A new adventure

20 December 2011

Change of Location

23 December 2008

It took a while... Happy Holidays

29 Oktober 2008

After one week

24 Oktober 2008

Arrived and first impressions

I'll be travelling around in south east asia for five weeks. My travel plan will be from hong kong to Tanjung Pelepas, Malaysia to Singapore. Afterwards to Malaysia and a tour through the Taman Negara.Then I will have Christmas in Vietnam and New Year in Thailand. Hope you'll enjoy reading my stories.

Actief sinds 21 Dec. 2006
Verslag gelezen:
Totaal aantal bezoekers 16799

Voorgaande reizen:

01 December 2007 - 04 Januari 2008

Mijn eerste reis

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